Connective Health

Surescripts medication history certification announcement

Connective Health is proud to announce our recent certification for Surescripts Medication History for Populations, gaining access to prescription history data from nearly all major pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). This is a natural addition to Connective Health’s current consolidated medical record from electronic health records (EHRs) and hospital admit/discharge/transfer notifications (ADTs).

“Connective Health’s consolidated medical record weaves together EHR interoperability, ADTs, and pharmacy dispense data to ensure providers have the right information at the right time. For example, knowing when a patient is admitted to the hospital, why they were admitted and what medications they are taking is critical for follow up treatment” says Ryan Hess, CEO of Connective Health.

Surescripts product manager Tori Deschane adds “Giving providers and care coordinators access to dispensed medication data helps them see the big picture, so they can more easily identify gaps in care, spot medication non-adherence, uncover potential abuse, and find at-risk patient populations that historically may have gone unnoticed.” 

For more information click here.